Always thinking ahead

Lower Severn IDB - Drone photo

The Challenge

Challenging the norm. Leading the way.

Lower Severn Internal Drainage Board (LSIDB) undertakes a range of hugely important work, safeguarding and nurturing 21,000 hectares of land along the River Severn. Helping to mitigate the risks of flood and drought along over 500km of watercourse in the region.

The organisation is a leading light within the Internal Drainage Board industry - embracing future technologies, delivering process excellence and strengthening collaborative links with external organisations and countries.

LSIDB’s position amongst the 112 Internal Draining Boards in England was not accurately reflected by its branding and communication activities. With a new CEO in place, a new drive for LSIDB to stand apart from its peers required a complete revitalisation of the organisation’s brand.

"I love the logo. You nailed it. The website is absolutely on point and surpassed my expectations. Exceptional work."

Dr Manjit Pope

Chief Executive Officer

Lower Severn IDB - Website

Our Solution

Providing a fresh approach.

During our conversations with the LSIDB team it became apparent just how important the work of IDBs is. And just how much of that work goes under the radar.

Following a range of in-depth briefings and wider research, we were able to explore core messaging targeted to each of LSIDB’s defined audience groups. All of which was brought together with an overarching proposition and strap line, ‘Always thinking ahead’.

The client challenged us to ensure the brand’s new logo identity and collateral really stood apart, repositioning them in the hearts and minds of stakeholders, both within and outside the industry.

The logo identity combines the elements of water, technology and connections in an iconic brand asset. A contemporary colour palette with bright gradients, fonts and visual style helps portray a forward-thinking organisation. The website adopts a dark mode aesthetic, mirroring the modern tech industry. We've implemented informative customer journeys and intuitive UX to make statutory information easy to find.

Lower Severn IDB - Website
Lower Severn IDB - Website
Lower Severn IDB - Website
Lower Severn IDB - Website

The Results

A huge leap forwards.

The new branding has galvanised LSIDB, reinvigorating internal stakeholders, helping them to buy into a set of new operational and strategic pillars.

Early stage roll out of collateral and proposition has enabled LSIDB to reengage with their core customers. The greater depth and clarity to the organisation’s offer is also helping them to reach new audience groups and commercial opportunities.

Sustainability and performance are both important factors in all websites we deliver. We are pleased that LSIDB’s website has received a sustainability impact score of 93/100 on EcoGrader. The desktop site ranks highly with scores of 97/100/100/100 out of a possible 100 against Google’s four core metrics within its page insights test.

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DRG Interior & Building Solutions

DRG Interior & Building Solutions - Website

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